(This is going to be in a written rant like style, so it might be longer than my previous posts.)
Listen, everyone is entitled to their own political beliefs and views, and that we give people respect and dignity when they differ from ours, yeah, doesn't that sound fair and right?...
That is not how college works my friends! Not at all!
I am going to tell you how college works, and I am not holding back any punches anymore. It is ridiculous what I am seeing the media, and with my own two eyes, and I cannot stand to sit silent anymore. This blog is big, and I hope that this all gets shared to the ends of the Earth, I really do...
First off, you have these students, that are 18, 19, 20, 21, even 22 years old, that think they know the world, and how it all works. Sorry you're wrong on that. They act like "saviors of the world", with their backwards knowledge. They come into college trying to "rebel against the man" and rebel against their parents and authority. They are very impressionable people, and they are told by many professors, to "question authority".
The funniest part, is that all of these professors write books, novels, and papers, that literally one person reads, themselves, and they look for the answers as to why no one respects their parents, and police officers, and people above them in the way of life anymore... but they need not look any further than in their own classrooms, where they are teaching these people to do that!
My second point, is that I cannot stand when these people try to act all tough and mighty with their 'newfound' knowledge, and try to pressure you into following their ideology. Like please relax,... just months ago, you needed to raise your hand to go to the bathroom in high school, so please, take a seat.
Listen, what I am about to say next, might offend some people, but preface: I know a lot of excellent, very nice Democrats, but, seriously, student and professor Democrats on a college campus are the literal cancer of learning. These are the worst types of students, and outside people have it all wrong. People always say that its white men, or black men that cause problems on campuses, start protests and riots, and are the counterculture people, but that is so dead wrong. Do you want to know who it is...
It's mostly, about 95% white women, and sometimes, also very rarely black women too.
They are these feminist, mean, angry, people that get in your face, for no good reason. Like seriously, can we be real for a second, people of all races, colors, religions, whatever, we all want women to have equal pay, and representation, and all the good things in life, but I absolutely cannot stand these types of people. You all know the people I am talking about.
I am talking about the short pink, purple, blue, or green haired, five piercings on both ears and one the eyebrow and on the upper and lower lips, four tattoos on the arms or the back, dressed like a man, people. They are some of the meanest people you will ever meet in your life, and yes, some of them are also lesbian, or queer, or whatever, but again, I also know many very nice LGBT people, so, sorry, I'm not going to put those very nice people that I know, with these jackasses at college. That is not fair to them.
Listen, I am a very nice guy to be around, I like to kid around, joke, and laugh, but I am also a Donald Trump supporter (so happy today!), and that is like forbidden on the college campus scene. I cannot tell you how many times, I have been wearing my Trump shirt, or hat, or buttons, and are carrying about my business, walking to class, or reviewing notes, or checking my phone, whatever and have had such dirty looks given to me, and those women come up, and try to start shit with me.
There is one good thing though, and that is that I have been watching and studying both sides of this political season for over a year now, so I know everything about every candidate. You can't fool me on politics, especially with this election cycle.
But anyways, they come up to you, and they curse you out, they spit at you, they call you all the names, racist, xenophobe, homophobe, sexist, you name it, I've been called it, in the past few months at college. This has all happened to me, everything that I have written. Everything except physical violence, but as we move closer to November, that might scaredy change. That is literally the tactics of a four year old. Trying to bully you into believing something else, that you don't agree with, and that is purely just so wrong.
This needs to STOP at college, NOW! It is getting to the point, with this stupid radical, suppressive, Democratic agenda, that in the classrooms, a place of learning, and where respect should be overflowing, you cannot express your political beliefs, if they don't fit with the professor, and a few of the students in that class, so much to the point where you will lose points on tests, and finals, and maybe even fail a class, because you don't want to sacrifice who you are, to people you don't even know, and people who don't give a damn about you.
My friends at college, as well as me, have been faced with receiving failing grades from professors, and name calling from fellow students because of what and who we believe in. Have we really gotten to this point in our country, when the conversation of discourse, and the freedom of speech and party expression, has become so overly squashed out, by insecure people of a differing viewpoint.
I am afraid that we have gotten there guys, and it is only getting worse now.
Don't believe me,... just look at what has happened in the well documented news media over the past few weeks!
First with Virginia Tech, canceling the visit of an esteemed Black-Republican writer for the Wall Street Journal, because they were afraid of 'riots'. Come On! Or look at Harvard University, HARVARD!, where a Catholic-Republican young man was ridiculed by his female professors and students, because he believes that life begins at conception, and was Pro-Life. Really!
Or in the most famous case so far, female students at Brown University, bringing up charges against two people, a white man and a black man for writing "Trump 2016" on the board, with them calling that "Hate-Speech" Are you kidding me! The Swastika on your protest signs against Trump are way more hateful, than his campaign hashtag! People later, all across the country, took to their college campus sidewalks, walls, and even statues, with chalk, in protest of this ridiculous behavior, writing things like "Make America Great Again", "Build the Wall", and the thing that started it all, "Trump 2016"
We need to seriously wake up from this nightmare situation, and all act like big men and women, and grow up, because if we don't, no matter what party you belong to, we will not like what we have become, in what is supposed to be the greatest place to learn in the world, a college campus in America, where differing ideas, are supposed to flow, naturally, and lead to a more complete understanding of the human condition, here in this county.
So that is enough of me getting on my soapbox for today! I hope you all enjoyed it, and please, please share this, and let me know if you want me to go more in depth on any of this 'speech'!
Did you like this post? Do you agree with me, or not? If you do agree, or don't agree, why?
Peace and Love,
Quotes of the Day: "I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail, than to accept to do nothing and succeed." - Robert H. Schuller
"Anyone who does not believe in miracles, is not a realist." - David Ben-Gurion
"You never lose by loving, but you always lose by holding back." - Barbara de Angelis
"I am quite fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us, Cats look down on us, Pigs treat us as equals." - Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill