He muttered the phrase during his acceptance speech, after getting the first courage award, at the ESPY's, ESPN's version of the Academy Awards. He was a month away from dying, and he told everyone how to live their life, with three simple things to do everyday, which were to laugh, cry, and love. Two of those three things will be highlighted in a future Wisdom Wednesday.
But the main slogan of that speech, and what became associated with his foundation, the Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research, was "Don't Give Up,... Don't Ever Give Up!" Now you say, what does that mean to anyone else...
That's very simple. What it means, is that you should never give up on your dreams, no matter what the obstacles are that are in your path. You should never be discouraged to do something by something else that has happened in your life. It should give you renewed determination, and passion, for wanting to chase your dreams.
I am going to link the whole speech down below, and I hope that this will be resourceful to you, because there really is nothing else to say about this speech. It is excellent, and you should follow everything that is in it!
Have you ever heard this speech before? Do you think that it truly is an inspiring speech? Would you follow this speech like I do?
Quotes of the Day: "Honesty, is the first chapter, in the book of wisdom." - President Thomas Jefferson
"Syllables govern the world." - George Bernard Shaw
"Life is best, when you are in love." - Michael Moriarty
"The first time I ever see a jogger smiling, I'll consider doing it!" - Joan Rivers