I love this song so much because it has such a great meaning behind its lyrics. The first verse goes, "You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You. You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Cares. You may be King, you may possess the World, and its Gold. But Gold won't buy you happiness, when you're growin' old."
Then the chorus comes in with, "The world still is the same, you'll never change it. As sure, as the stars shine above. Well You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You, so go and find somebody to Love." The song then has an instrumental break, in the style of the only verse, and then it comes back with the chorus one last time, and the song ends.
It is a very quick song, but the meaning behind it is so great. What it means is that you're nobody until you find special someone, and that someone brings out the true you. It means that you need to find the person that makes you, you! It means that money won't get you happiness when you're trying to settle down in the world. You need a love in your life to do that!
Now I am still looking for that Somebody to Love, and I hope that that special woman comes around real soon! (I know, shameless self-plug right there) I really hope that she brings me happiness when the time is right, and makes me real happy! And I can say this as a fact, I will be singing this song to her a few times!
So that's that on my fourth Dean Martin song. Next week will bring number five, as I am going to do his famous song Mambo Italiano. Now that is one of my favorite songs by Dean, so I am so excited to do that one!
Have you ever heard this song before? Do you think that this is a good love song like I do?
Quotes of the Day: "We are not makers of history. We are made by history." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (I know I should have used this yesterday. Calm Down!)
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers