I love this song because it is just so funny and yet so true as in the beginning he says that he felt bad growing up as a Jewish kid, because there are hundreds of Christmas songs, with thousands of covers of each, and practically no Hanukah songs. So he wrote this song to show people how many Jewish actors and people there are in show business.
This song mentions so many famous actors, and it is also indicative of the times that it was sung in. Most famously is the line "the owner of the Seattle Super Sonic-ahs, celebrates Hanukah." The Seattle Super Sonics don't exist anymore in the NBA, as they moved to Oklahoma City, and became the Thunder for the 2007-2008 season. A line that me and my cousin love is, "O.J. Simpson. Not a Jew! But guess who is, Hall of Famer Rod Carew, (he converted)."
There is no way that when this song comes on that you can change the channel, or hit next song button on your phone, or not sing this song on the top of your lungs with a big smile on your face. I look forward to this song, as well as many others, once Thanksgiving rolls around and the radio stations here on the Island change over to 24/7 Christmas music.
Do you like the Hanukah Song? What is your favorite song around this time of the year?
Quotes of the Day: "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!" - Milton Berle
"To learn how to succeed, you must learn first how to fail!" - Michael Jordan