My New York Values is someone who embraces everyones multicultural, multinational, and multicleric standings.
My New York Values are of a city that you will walk down the streets of, knowing that there is not a place on this Earth anywhere near as close to the hustle, bustle, and energy of New York City!
My New York Values are of a city, where any one, from any place, can become somebody. We all have a drive deep inside of ourselves, that makes us so unique.
My New York Values are of teams that suck most of the time, but that show's that I am loyal... or maybe I value torturing myself all year round, but thats alright. I value my Mets, Jets, Islanders, and Knicks, and I also value the fans of the Yankees, Giants, Rangers, and Nets, because without them, there would be no cross-town rivalries and no passion in our teams.
My New York Values are of a city that through the worst time in our countries history, and through the one of the worst times ever in the course of human history, we showed this country, and the WORLD, how to act. To act with courage, perseverance, strength, love, hope, faith, charity, brotherhood, sisterhood, and pride!
My New York Values hold very dear, the 343 Firefighters, and 71 Police Officers, that lost their lives on 9/11. The almost 3,000 innocent men and women who were killed in the World Trade Center. That's who and what we live for these days. We live for them!
My New York Values are treating people who I never met... EVER! And who died almost 15 years ago, as saints, and as heroes. As people who faced the worst of humanity, with the best of humanity, and WON!
My New York Values are of one man, with one baseball bat, on my favorite team, in my favorite stadium, lifting up an entire city, and inspiring a nation. That's right. Mike Piazza, bringing this city back on 9/21/01, with one swift home run!
My New York Values are not taking any shit, and smelling out the bullshit of others!
My New York Values make me the toughest, yet the most thoughtful person you can ever imagine myself to be!
My New York Values are of living with immense pride, living in the greatest city, and area in the world! Period!
My New York Values are of treating people with respect, and with dignity. Unlike you Senator Cruz!
So I hope that anyone who reads this, whether if you're from the city, or from the Island like me, embraces their New York Values for what they are, because the rest of the world envies them, and trust me, so does he...
And also one more thing, and this is in big type too, so everyone can read it. Senator Cruz, if you ever come back to New York City. I want you to have the balls, to go down to the World Trade Center Memorial, and look all those first responders that have terminal cancers, and the widows and children of these saints and heroes in the eye, and bash them for 'taking hand-outs from the government'. Let's see if you're so tough then! Let's see what happens then! Can't believe someone would have the audacity, to say that to New Yorkers!
Did you hear his remarks Thursday night? What do you think about your New York Values? Should he be still running after these remarks?
Peace and Love,
Quotes of the Day: "Today, everyone is a New Yorker" - Governor George Pataki
"New York City is one of those places that will chew you up, and spit you out, and you'll say thank you for it!" - Anonymous